
Temple Concord and Temple Israel
Adult Education Committee

Sunday, March 9, 10AM

Temple Concord, Riverside Drive, Binghamton

A brunch and four skits…

…taken from the collection “Oy” by Rich Orloff. You will enjoy the laugh-out-loud humor and the poignancy of these little scenes.

There is a suggested donation of $5 – $20 per person. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Temple Israel at 607-723-7461 or Email the Office or contact Temple Concord at 607-723-7355. Deadline to register is March 6.


Artist-in-Residence Weekend
Purim, March 14-16

Register Here

Sponsor the Artist-in-Residence Program

Zach Mayer is a well-known musician who is part of a wave of new Jewish musical artists and faciliators of communal song who intertwine love for traditional Jewish music with a contemporary style. Zach brings people together throught he power of nigunim, spiritual wordless melodies, rooted in Jewish tradition. He channels his family lineage of the four generations of cantors before him, as he helps communities find their own joyous voices in song.