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  • Tuesday, October 15
    • 5:30pm: Minyan service
  • Thursday, October 17
    • 9:30am: Sukkot Day 1 morning service
  • Friday, October 18
    • 5:30pm: Kabbalat Shabbat service
  • Saturday, October 19
    • 9:30am: Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot morning service
    • 12:15pm: Kiddush
    • 7:00pm: Havdalah (Zoom only)
  • Sunday, October 20
    • 5:30pm: Special Evening Minyan Service
  • Thursday, October 24
    • 9:30am: Shemini Atzeret morning service
    • 10:30am: Yizkor
  • Friday, October 25
    • 9:30am: Simchat Torah morning service
      • Singing, dancing, Hakafot
    • 5:30pm: Kabbalat Shabbat service
  • Saturday, October 26
    • 9:30am: Shabbat morning service (Bat Mitzvah!)
    • 12:15pm: Kiddush
    • 7:00pm: Havdalah (Zoom only)

Synagogue Life

2024 / 5784 Sukkah Build Success!

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October 2024

Letter from the Rabbi

Dear Temple Israel Community,

לשנה טובה ומתוקה תכתבו ותחתמו!

May we all be written and sealed for a good and sweet new year!

Over the past month, Temple Israel has been buzzing with exciting activity! Children returned to the building for after-school Hebrew and Jewish learning as well as for day-school with Hillel Academy. We utilized our building to host a joyous Hillel journal dinner and a celebratory Inter-sisterhood event. Finally and most personally, on the final Shabbat of September, Rav Talia Laster and I celebrated our engagement with a festive service and kiddush. We were so glad to share our simcha with a wonderful group of TI community members and we look forward to more opportunities to gather in our synagogue to celebrate together!

This year, the month of October corresponds closely to the month of Tishrei, so this month we will celebrate Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. We have a full slate of services and programs lined up for the month ahead for both children and adults and hope you will enjoy us!

Of course, this October also marks one year since the Jewish world was rocked by the horrific terror attack of 10/7. As I write to you on the eve of Rosh HaShanah, Israelis are recovering from a terrifying barrage of missiles from Iran and gearing up for the possibility of a further expansion of war. Almost 100 hostages remain in Gaza and the path to their safe return remains uncertain. So, we pray with renewed passion for G-d to bring peace to all of Israel, to the entire region, and to the whole world.

On 10/24 when we observe Shemini Atzeret, the same holy day in which Israel was attacked last year, our services will be particularly dedicated to the memories of those lost in this past year. Then, on the following day we well dance with Simchat haTorah – the Joy of Torah! Please, join us as we continue to navigate together the highs and lows of our lives and the Jewish calendar.

Every year, this season invites us to Teshuvah – to repent and return to ourselves. The best way for each of us to personally grow and improve is through joining together with others who are similarly dedicated to this ongoing spiritual and ethical work. We are each strengthened in our own journey when we join together. I look forward to supporting each other as we journey on into the year 5785!

For now, A Gut Hodesh – A Good Month to All!

Rabbi Micah R. Friedman

הרב מיכה שמחה פרידמן 


October 2024

Letter from the President

Dear Members and Friends of Temple Israel,

     We could not have imagined at Rosh Hashanah 5784 last year, that our New Year 5785 would mark the one-year anniversary of a horrendous terror attack against Israel, and the kidnapping of hundreds, over a hundred of whom remain imprisoned or feared dead. While Israel has rescued or negotiated the release of some hostages, and the IDF has eliminated many of the terror leadership and much of its infrastructure, it has come at a great cost to Israel itself and eroded international support. We all grieve for the humanitarian crisis precipitated by the October 7th attack. Israel faces committed enemies on several borders and beyond, and we pray that it will be successful in defending itself, cool heads will emerge on all sides, and ultimately a lasting peace will be achieved.

Despite our angst, we have much to celebrate. A hearty Mazel Tov to our Rabbi Micah Friedman and Rabbi Talia Laster, who have announced their betrothal! We gathered last week at Shabbat services and offered a blessing for their future union, and celebrated along with their parents at a special kiddush. We continue to enjoy Rabbi Friedman’s scholarship and spirituality as he leads us into a second Jewish New Year. Thanks to his enthusiasm, we are seeing some new faces at services and at classes and programs. I hope we’ll see yours over the High Holidays and beyond. Rabbi Friedman kicked off our season of repentance with a very meaningful Tisha b’Av observance, jointly led by Temple Concord’s new Rabbi Leah Moser. Our rabbi also taught several classes over the past few weeks to orient us to the new Lev Shalem Machzor.

Thanks to each and every one of you for doing your part to support the financial needs of our synagogue. We rely on your dues, donations, and personal participation to deliver services, classes, and programs at the level we all expect. We are also pursuing grant funding for major security improvements, and the Safety and Security Committee has continued to implement essential procedures and provide training to prevent or deal with emergencies that may arise. I hope that you have attended relevant emergency response training sessions sponsored by the Jewish Federation. 

Our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services will be led by Rabbi Friedman, and feature Joel Nathanson as our Cantor. An experienced chazzan, Cantor Joel is coming to serve us from Baltimore with his wife Maureen. We are looking forward to a highly participatory service.  Our lay daveners will also take many roles in our services, and we appreciate them. Services will be streamed on Zoom at the usual TI Services Link. The costs of delivering these services will be underwritten by the Rozen Foundation. PLEASE WATCH EMAIL for details and any updates.

Sweet nectar has arrived! By now you have each received your Temple Israel Honeygram packed with a honey bear cub and tea. Thanks to our many sponsors and all others who ordered these seasonal greetings. This has been a successful fundraiser and has taken its place alongside the Yahrtzeit Plaques, Simcha Tree, Yizkor Book, and other donation fixtures on which we rely. Our Lev Shalem Machzor fundraiser over the summer was also very successful, and this new High Holiday prayer book will enhance our services this season. Thanks to all who sponsored at any level, and we appreciate the major contribution of the Community Foundation for South Central New York – David and Virginia Eisenberg Fund, which sent an additional Rosh Hashanah donation as well. Our grounds are maturing beautifully, and we thank Fred & Sandra Weitsman for funding, and performing, ongoing maintenance of our flora, along with Arlene Osber, Larry Hurwitz, and several generations of the Rozen family.  

In the year ahead, let’s work together to provide fulfilling spiritual, educational, and social experiences for our community. Several musical programs are in the planning, and we have a schedule of Adult Ed offerings throughout the year. If you have needs, or ideas, please reach out!

From Suzanne and myself, and on behalf of the Officers and Trustees of Temple Israel:

          L’shanah tovah umetukah; may you be inscribed and sealed for a healthy and sweet New Year !


Arthur B. Siegel
President – Temple Israel

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