September 2024
Letter from the Rabbi
Dear Temple Israel Community,
Shalom L’Kulam! Peace to all! As Summer comes to an end, children return to schools, and patches of red and orange appear on the tree-lines, we prepare for a new year for Temple Israel and for the Jewish people! This year, we will celebrate Rosh HaShanah together towards the beginning of October followed by the rest of our Fall holidays: Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah. Many folks have put in work over the Summer to prepare for what will surely be meaningful and moving holiday observances and gatherings this year. Please, join us!
Of course, at the same time, our holy days will be marred by the reality of the ongoing war in the Land of Israel and Gaza that began as our Fall holiday season ended already almost a full year ago. As September begins, along with all of the Jewish people, we grieve for the recent murders of the group of six hostages which included the young American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Z”L. Since the horror and shock of 10/7, the words and sincerity of Hersh’s parents Rachel and John have torn open so many of our hearts. Even in the peak of their grief, at the funeral for their son this week, Rachel Goldberg-Polin explicitly modeled the Jewish value and practice of הכרת הטוב – acknowledging the good – as she expressed what a privilege and blessing it was to be the mother to her son for the 23 years of his life.
Every year, at the high holiday season, our tradition guides us to acknowledge and appreciate the privilege and blessing of life. This year, in light of the darkness we have witnessed, I pray we can appreciate more deeply the gift of life and find room in our hearts for gratitude for the goodness that abounds in our world and in our community.
In the month ahead, we will celebrate a Bat Mitzvah and begin again with Hebrew classes for children as we also gather for Selichot and unveil a memorial in our cemetery. We will embrace life through joyous and celebratory Shabbat services and kiddush lunches while we keep in mind the hostages, soldiers, and civilians endangered by the ongoing war.
To put it simply, as we prepare for a new year, we prepare to be open to all of what life has to offer. Each one of us can find strength and comfort in the knowledge that no matter what the month and year ahead hold in store, the Temple Israel community is here to support each other as we look ahead to being inscribed in the book of life!
For now, A Gut Hodesh – A Good Month to All!
Rabbi Micah R. Friedman
הרב מיכה שמחה פרידמן