
A New Rabbi – A New Year – A New Machzor

Our new Rabbi, Micah Friedman, brings new perspectives to our ritual observance, and to honor him on the occasion of is Installation, we will replace our 1970’s vintage High Holiday Prayer Book with the newer Lev Shalem version.

Machzor Lev Shalem features egalitarian text better suited to our current Conservative practice, modern translations that re more approachable, transliteration to aid those who wish to engage but lack Hebrew skills, and many commentaries and interpretations to enhance both worship and study.

This is your opportunity to participate in the fundraiser to acquire these new Machzors for Temple Israel! Please select one of the categories below:

SUSTAINER: Purchase 1 bookplate in 1 Machzor – $90
SPONSOR: Purchase 2 bookplates in 2 Machzors – $180 includes 1 Sunday Installation Luncheon Ticket
GUARDIAN: Purchase 3 bookplates in 3 Machzors -$360 includes 2 Sunday Installation Luncheon Ticket
PATRON: Purchase 5 bookplates in 5 Machzors – $500 includes 2 Sunday Installation Luncheon Tickets
BENEFACTOR: Purchase 7 bookplates in 7 Machzors – $1000 includes 2 Sunday Installation Luncheon Tickets